The code uses single-precision floating point math, which seems to be adequate for the task. As presented, it shall be used with caution – no boundary check is performed so it is quite easy to inadvertently send the arm flying into your forehead or the control board. It can be used as-is or transformed into a library. Many formulas from the spreadsheet were used in my code I also used the spreadsheet during debugging after modifying arm dimensions.īelow is first working draft of inverse kinematics code. The second one is this Lynxmotion project page with Excel spreadsheet. It should be noted that gripper of AL5D arm has much simpler geometry, therefore second order polynomial calculations are not necessary. They also have nice video of working arm. First is Micromega Application Note 44, which shows inverse kinematics equations for similar arm. In addition to the article linked above, I’d like to mention two other resources, which helped me tremendously during code development. I built only half of the circuit using single 4017 counter – this gives me seven servo control channels, which is plenty. Given that large amount of processing time would be spent calculating servo angles, I decided not to drive servos directly from Arduino pins and made simple servo shield using Renbotics schematic and library code. To move the arm, six servos need to be controlled ( five for the arm without wrist rotate ). Much information about the subject exists on the web, for example, this introductory article explains the subject using simple trigonometry. In robotics, inverse kinematics is a method to position a tip of some linked stricture in 3D space by calculating joint angles from tip X, Y, and Z coordinates.

This article shows first preliminary result of this work – inverse kinematics code which would be used to position the arm.
I wanted my arm to be portable and independent of big computers and all currently available controllers lack flexibility that I needed, therefore I started building my own controller around Arduino platform. The parts kit is of very high quality, and as a result, the arm is very strong and versatile.

I’m proud owner of Lynxmotion AL5D robotic arm.